Hartford June 5th. 1790.—
Since I had the honor of receiving yours of April 25th., my time has been wholly taken up in attending on our
Supreme Court of Errors, & the Session of our General Assembly, which with us is a
kind of extrajudicial Court for the trial of private causes on Petition— I had also to
conduct an application from the Mercantile Interest for the Repeal of our Excise-Laws—in
which by influencing the leaders of the House of Representatives, & intimidating our
opposers in the Council, by making our cause appear popular & calling the Excise
anti-federal, we procured a repeal with the greatest apparent unanimity, tho’ I believe
in my conscience, against the real wishes of a majority in both houses.1
Man is a strange being. His vice & depravity is every where
seen—but his folly & dishonesty is no where so conspicuous, as in a popular
assembly. Every man who pretends to form an opinion for himself & impose it on
others, chuses his party, & takes his side, from motives of passion, interest or
ambition. When this is completed, he employs what reasoning talents heaven has given him
in the subsequent stage of the business, in forming arguments to justify his opinions.
Nothing can be more ridiculous than to hear us then pretend to be governed only by
reason, & spend hours of debate in acting the farce of rationality.
We are alarmed at the present situation of affairs in Congress. Of
the Senate we hear little—but in the House of Representatives every thing seems
conducted by Party, Intrigue & Cabal. We constantly hear of bargains between Members
from different States for Votes on the most important questions— If State policy &
local attachments are to continue their predominating influence—if they are to govern,
or if not govern, to embarass, the affairs of the Union—we may bid adieu to the hopes of
a Fœderal Government. One half of the People, as You truly observe do not wish to have
any Government, & I believe we may add that the other half are not disposed to agree
upon its form.
As to our debate on signs & ceremonies, I fully subscribe to
their efficacy in government; but I firmly believe that from the present temper of the
People, none of any significance or importance could at present be established or
imposed without occasioning the most serious alarm. We might almost as safely introduce
the Papal 375 ceremonies in Religious worship. We neither fear
God nor regard Man, but in a manner wholly democratical. But should the government
continue, signs, ceremonies & external parade will naturally & gradually be
introduced by the people themselves, who, as You justly observe, are equally fond of
them, as the rest of mankind.
Our Clergy have shed their wigs & laid aside their red gates
& board fences— They retain no mark of distinction but the Band on Sundays. At the
same time they have lost nine tenths of their dignity & influence. I do not however
ascribe this chiefly to the loss of the sign, but am opinion that from the cooperation
of other causes, the wig & the dignity naturally fell together—for when the Dignity
was gone, the wig was unable to support itself—
I hinted in my last letter, some dissatisfaction at the Secretary’s
reports. I will explain myself. He recommends the immediate Assumption of the
State-debts, & yet discards all idea of direct Taxation.2 When, in the name of Common Sense, are direct
Taxes to be wanted, when can they with propriety be demanded, if not now? Does he mean
to give them up forever, & lose the most important resource of the Empire? Is he
ignorant that direct Taxation to a moderate amount is the strongest link in the chain of
Government, & the only measure, which will make every man feel that there is a Power
above him in this world? Does he fear the unpopularity of the measure? Is it more
unpopular than the Assumption? Would not both be advocated and opposed from the same
quarters? Ought not both to be proposed together? And has he not by discarding direct
Taxation furnished the opposers of the Assumption with their strongest argument—that his
proposed resources will fail him?
A direct Tax of one Cent on the Pound according to our lists once laid & submitted to by the People, as I
have no doubt it would be, would establish the Fœderal Government.
I have a very high opinion of the Secretary—but must think that in
this matter he has either gone too far or not far enough—and that if both measures could
not be ventured at once, a small direct tax would be of more importance to the
Government, than the immediate assumption of the State Debts without it.
The Secretary was warmly your Friend, & wished as much as any
man in the States for your election to your present office—but, if the representation of
Col. W. may be depended on as to the part he took in that affair, he was duped by the
Antifederalists.3 I hope he has no
inclination to intrigue, & am sure both in that affair, & in his opposition to
Clinton’s re-election, he displayed no extraordinary talents 376 for it. He absolutely scribbled against Clinton on topics calculated to make his
enemy more popular. Let him keep to his Fort—Sterling abilities & Independent
Honesty, joined with indefatigable industry.
I have to thank You for the Defence of the American Constitutions,
& the two Pamphlets, which I received by Col. Wadsworth.4 The Letters to Calkoen were not new to me—but I
do not recollect to have seen before, the History of the American dispute—a performance,
which ought to be preserved for Posterity, as it gives the most just & clear account
of the transactions of those times, that has ever appeared in print.
Is not the Defence of the American
Constitutions almost a Misnomer? Had we at that day, have we now in the new
Constitution, a proper balance of the three Estates? It is true, we are defensible, as
far as we have attempted it—but we have as yet effected little— We are unwilling to give
effectual Power, & yet are capital artists at devising & multiplying checks—till
we have made the machine too complicated to be set in motion—or I might rather say at
present, that Franklyn’s team at the tail have overpowered the progressive force, &
that it has been sometime going retrograde with tolerable rapidity— You have taken great
pains to instruct mankind in the fundamental principles of Government. You have
demonstrated your positions by argument, authority & history. But the feelings of
even civilized nations are I fear some centuries behind You. A spirit of liberty has
indeed gone forth—a disposition to pull down Kings, nobilities & hierarchies—but
where is the disposition to establish just governments on their ruins? The opposers of
arbitrary power are apt to consider all power as arbitrary— To say no more of America,
what is now doing in France? Great things I must own—& France may perhaps be as near
the period when a regular, wellbalanced constitution may be formed, as England was in
the days of our wise Namesake, King John. I hope nearer—for
they are a far more enlightened people at this day, & have the benefit of the
experience of others. Heaven grant they may profit by it— I wish every Member of their
National Assembly were obliged under pain of expulsion, to read your Defence, &
either adopt your Principles or confute them.
Fame has certainly been very liberal to Franklyn in his
lifetime—but I doubt She will hereafter reclaim a great part of her donations. I could
never view him as the extraordinary Genius, either in Politics or Literature which he
has been called. Except his invention of Electric rods, I know no claim he has to merit
as a Philosopher. He certainly never rose to high eminence as a literary character,
& tho’ 377 always busy in politics & party, seems not to
have been well versed in the Science of Legislation, or the Theory of Government.
Maddison’s character is certainly not rising in the public
estimation— He now acts on a conspicuous stage, & does not equal expectation. He
becomes more & more a Southern Partizan, & loses his assumed candor &
moderation. Indeed no man seems to have gained much reputation in the present session of
Congress. Even Ames, who succeeded to King as the temporary Idol of Massachusetts, &
whose praises were so much trumpeted forth in the last session, seems to be losing part
of his Votaries.
Our Legislature seem determined to make no provision for the State
Debt. We insist that we have paid beyond our proportion already, which I believe is
true—but I suppose other States talk in the same strain. The State debts must be assumed
by Congress, or they will never be paid—& before the period of their assumption,
will probably in many of the States be so much depreciated as to afford Maddison &
his adherents, new arguments for a discrimination.
Since I began writing we have the news of the accession of
Rhode-Island to the Union. I hope it may prove a just subject of congratulation—but fear
their members will join you, full fraught with State-politics, & a tolerable
infusion of Antifederalism. The real friends to an efficient Government are so few, that
we have reason to dread any accession to the number of its opposers.
I have the honor to be with the / greatest Respect, / Your Obliged
& most Obedt. / Humble Servt.
John Trumbull