Kingston. 7 Jan. 1790.
Long before I read your Excell̃: defence of
the Constitutions &c I saw their Criticism bÿ the Reviewers, which enlarged
my desire of perusing itself, flattering mÿ with the idea, that I should acquire a fair
opportunity of Sending Some Strictures upon it to Mr. Adams; because the first
announcing a fear of a to ardent Love for Democracÿ, and the following declaration, that
those fears were lessened, raised the idea, that, perhaps, it was to favourable for
Aristocratic. I perused Sir! your Excellent work and was Sorrÿ, in finishing this
business, that I could find no faults nor essential remarks enough, to excuse the
Liberty of writing, to the vice-president, if the Same man had not give me an
encouragement bÿ honouring my in Holland with his familiar acquaintance, and persevering
in the Same benevolent manners to this new countrÿman.
There no american dares censure with greater freedom than I all
what I think worthÿ of it, though he maÿ do it perhaps, nameless, in a more illiberal
manner than I, not a Singl american I believe is entitled to give the Same praise to a
literarÿ composition of this kind, than your friend, without encurring the danger of
being Suspected of flatterÿ— there I enjoÿ the Satisfaction of living happÿ and
unenvied, there no Politic fear or hope can dasele mÿ eÿe and the purtÿ of mÿ intentions
can be doubted of by Mr. Adams.
I admire your elegant, curious performance, abounding with Such a
large Stock of ancient and modern learning, and Profound, true and judicious Political
remarks, that, upon the whole, I dare it compare to the most useful writings of our best
modern authors, and Sincerely wished, that it was perused by everÿ Sensible American,
and devoured by everÿ Lover of Religious and civil Libertÿ—
Everÿ page increased mÿ desire of finishing a volume—and the last
206 encouraged me to recapitulate the whole, and I dare
not saÿ, if I must more admire your convincing reasonings, or your persuasive
argumentations, or your happÿ comparisons and easÿ language, or the Subtiletÿ and art,
with which the recommendation of the present adopted constitution is interwoven in everÿ
letter—in everÿ argumentation—it is alwaÿs carthaginem delendam
esse censeo.
1 And this art Sir! So
striking everÿ where is to be more admired, there these letters, had been produced upon
the Spur of a Particular occasion, which made it
necessarÿ to write, and publish with precipitation—[”]that Scarce a moment could be
Spared to correct the Stile adjust the method, pare of excrescences, or even obliterate
repetitions[”] (III. 500)—2 if your
patience is not yet tired in reading Such a contininuation of harsh barbarism, and I am
vain enough to believe that Mr. Adams is not without curiosity of knowing my opinion
about it maÿ I then guess at that Spur of a Particular
occasion, or communicate mÿ thoughts upon it? I dare Saÿ I maÿ—and in my opinion
was Mr. Adams the Soul of the Philadelphian convention—or if that is to much, and the
honourable members could not bear, to be animated in this waÿ, but trusted enough upon
their own abilities to erect this new edifice—than Mr. adams framed, if it not arranged,
all the essentials materials of this Report, inspired the one and other with these
Sentiments, and amused first the Europeans with this elaborate performance, in order to
have this form universallÿ approved in Europe, before it was adopted by the different
States—in the persuasion, that Such an approbation could not be then favourable to the
At present I must venture Some Remarks, of no great consequence,
who in part, perhaps, wil be approved bÿ their illustrious writer.
T.i. pref. xiv. Even the venerable
magistrates of Amersfoort—&c this example, if it must be adduced, wanted Some
elucidation, in a note, for everÿ English or american reader; perhaps Some Dutchman know
the Particular event of this Small city, to which in this place is alluded—
———xvi. de Paw—wil not be known to
manÿ americans—for their use, the addition in a note of, author of the Recher: Philos: Sur les Americains would have been
———xvii. called without expectation,
and compelled without previous inclination—was perhaps the
case of a large number of the common people, in the citys and in the countrÿ—but I think
not, that Mr. Adams wil affirm the Same of the leading man, and 207 principal characters of America, although there maÿ be one or other perhaps between
them, who could Saÿ with truth I was called without expectation,
and compelled without previous inclination.
your Eulogium of a trial by Jurÿ—of the danger of a Standing armÿ,
and recommandation of the militia, continually (p. 95. 168)4 with manÿ curious and beautiful passages, as
that of the three aristocratical virtues, p. 129, wil be in the eÿes of Some jealous
american an atonement—for your often repeated inculcation—of perpetual rulers—(P. 71)
hereditarÿ magistrates &c vol. III. p. 282 (283. 296. 297. 307.) I believed it is
your Sentiment—I wished to See it explained—at large and defended. will a hereditarÿ
Senat not diminish, in time, the prorogatives of the president, and the privileges of
the people?5
281. upon what authority is it, that you Say, that Harmodius—&c
revenge? can it be Sufficiently proved?6
346. Is your Explication of the Law of the 12 tables—with regard to
the dissecare preferable to that more human, bÿ which the
dissecare, alone is understood of the goods—dividee in partes, So as it is explained in Europe bÿ Eminent
It would be a desirable undertaking if a Adams would perform the
arduous task which he offered to Mr. Smith (p. 369) or would rather complÿ with our
wishes in furnishing america with a historÿ of the Revolution, there no man wil Surmount
So easÿ all—the (389) enumerated difficulties, as the author of the defence of the Constitutions &.
Vol. ii P. 181 Ruccellai—Luigi
alemanni—it Seems Sir! you took no notice, that there were in that conspiration
two principal men of the Same name—Luigi alemanni—the one fled to Venice with Danobi
Buon del monte, the other was beheaded at that time with Jacupo de Diacceto. The First
was the author of a noble Poem La coltivasione &—9
201—the expedient of Niccolo Cauponi makes me remember a Similar
expedient, used bÿ the magistracy of Middelburg in Zeeland, about the middle of this
there was a violent commotion of the mob—originated bÿ a licence,
to certain countrÿ people to bring their merchandises to market—this commotion was
fomented more and more by one Smÿtegeld a calvinist preacher, a most popular man, who
Swaied the multitude, and domineered them, as he pleased bÿ his fanatical and
irresistable eloquence. the commotion was raised to Such a pitch—that the magistrates
feared for their property and lives. one of them advised 208 to Send a deputation to Dr. Smytegeld, and implore his intercession—11 according to this Resolve two members went to
Smytegeld for his good Endeavours— He refused—he was a minister of the gospel—of a
kingdom not of this world—he could not meddle with Politiks.— upon his refuse, the
magistrates urged him faster— than the preacher—you never go to the church Sirs! and
come to me alone, because you are in danger—no—I wil—I Shal not hear your petitions—or
the whole bodÿ of the magistrates must given a promise that they go to church wednesday
next—and than I shall appease the citisens. the Magistracÿ appeared en corps.
Smytegeld—after Psalm-Singing knocked with his hand—in a tremendous manner the pulpit,
and asked who is there— he answered, the Magistracÿ of Middelburg— I hear not— he
knocked a Second time “who is there” the States of Zeeland I hear not. he knocked for
the 3d time, who is there— answered J. C. what Saÿd mÿ Lord?
give to Cæsar, what is Cæsars—to god wat is god!
In his Sermon he gives the most insolent delineation of the
different members of the Magistracy, in their Politice capacities— public & privat
character, omitting nothing, that could Scandalise them— he finished his Sermon—without
a word to the people—but after the Psalm-Singing—before the benediction—he Stood Some
minutes immoveable—looked to heaven with compassion—and then upon his auditorÿ, unfolded
his hands—and Spoke with a eloquence—peculiar common to him—“People of Middleburg—this
was the moment—in which I would bless you—I your beloved Smytegeld—I would bless you
with the darlings blessings of my heavenly Father—but I cannot— I have heard of Some
riots and commotions—and thus I cannot— damnation, damnation is yours if you persevere—
I—know—you have heard I know—you have unworthÿ—vile Sinners for you Magistrates—this is
true—but—nevertheless—they are your Magistrates—and as Such—obedience is due to them,
though they are wrong— the almighty Shal judge them— Let it Suffice— yours is obedience—
I cannot bless you fearing that one or other of this congregation had a part in these
commotion—perhaps a few—perhaps no one. what Should I be glad—people—citisens—let us
see—the almighty’s eyes are upon is—he—who is a good citisen, who wil be obedient raise
this moment—raise his right hand—his fingers—and renew with me the oath of
obedience[”]—and in the Same moment, the whole congregation joined the preacher—he
blessed them—and everÿ man was quiet—
P. 311. was there not a harsher Epithet Sir! for a merchant than
209 merchants, with unblushing heads. I allow, it is
adjusted to the matter—but it cannot please a merchant—who is a exception upon this
Vol. III. P. 10. is filled by all the members for one Week &c.
not exact—the rotation is properlÿ speaking bÿ the
different Provinces—everÿ Province enjoys the præsiduim a week—not bÿ members.
So just Sir! as your censure was T. i. p 123 upon the Sundaÿ Law
and warden act—So unpleasing and hurting wil be to everÿ Pharisaical or fanatical ear
the use, which you made of Some words—which however no person wil convince of your
orthodoxÿ in these articles—I mean the Passages T. ii p. 422 Trinity in unity. III. p.
157. confusion of Languages— ib. 187. with regard to the devil. 363. Fall and milennium.
332. in Trinity12
the omissions of these few words would have deprived me, with the
few—of a Smile—but your work of not one beauty, nor your reasonings of their Strength—it
can work no good—but hurt the writer by à unthinking bigotted rabble, and Mr. Adams
admonished his friend, to “be prudent in regard of Theological matters in America—at
your arrival[”]—13
For america’s prosperity I wished that our illustrous President had
been in the Same Sentiments upon the Cincinnati, which you expressed with So much truth
and So emphatically p. 207–9.14
your placing the vindiciæ contra Tyrannos p. 211. between 1640 and
1660 seems to me, if I am not mistaken, an anachronism— This book was of a more early
date. I posses an edition of this work, printed Francof, 1608—and this Surely was not
the first. Spaguis, who give it to Fr. Hottoman, Bibl. p.
522 and Thuanus in his Francogallia Lib. 57 fol. 49 shows it Sufficiently—and the first
autor makes mention of an edition Edinbergi 1579—another edition—in Latin and French is
of 1580 or 1581, as i wel remember— Theod: Beza had the care of edition, printed in the
Netherlands—and this perhaps was the reason, that it was adjudged to him.15
Who was that Shase, which you
mentioned p. 219? Was that the head of the late insurrection in Massachusetts?
I was much pleased by your Strictures upon Cincinnatus (226) and
the due tribut paid to the memorÿ of Spurius Melius and Manus Manlius—who tragical fate
I pitied, as Soon, as learnt to read Roman historÿ (240–2–4) 244–257.16 what you Sai of the Roman Nobles p. 287 is
literaly true of the Dutch in the abjuration of Philip the II— the people then changed
of masters and loosed, bÿ the state Resolution of 1581, all that Political influence,
which they enjoyed 210 under the government of charles the V and Philip
the ii.17 The unanimity, required in the
7 united Provinces, is not general, as your Excellency’s opinion Seems to be, it is
alone required in few capital points as peace, war truce,
taxes and in the different Provinces—in everÿ point of
incumbrance (291. col. 1355) othewyse few foreigners will be able to make the true and
judicious reflections upon the Hollanders, as you penned it. 355— 291. 379. 462. if all
the Patriots had been convinced of those truths—perhaps they would not have been
Subdued, nor been the tools of few aristocratical man.—
what is the reason Sir, there you alledged p. 905—two authorities
in which the principles, which you defended, had been acknowledged, that you gives your
readers but one—the report of the convention of 17 Sept 1787. and omitted the ordinance
of Congress of 13 July.
Thus I have finished mÿ remarks— if you Excell̃. had read them with
patience, and can pardon the trouble, which I had given—than mÿ following lines wil want
no excuse by the vice-president— there theÿ wil enable him, to Show—that under the
present constitution Personal merit—and liberal arts are duelÿ encouraged, and that the
personal property of everÿ citisen is protected, compatible with the Safety and intrest
of the whole— I wil mention the last, and reserve a particular letter for the first—
You remember Sir! that Mr. de Nÿs and I, were constrain, to depose in the power of the States of the Province of Utrecht,
before our enlargement, the Sum of fortÿ five thousand or 7500 £ N. york currencÿ in
order, as it was Said, to recover out of this Sum, the damages caused by our direction
to the Province of Utrecht and city of Wÿck-by Duurstede. we ardentlÿ wished to recover
if not the whole, at least a part of it, and, neverthles al remonstrances in our favour,
this affair is in the Same State, by my late information, as at my departure from that
The onlÿ waÿ of Succes for us, Seems to me, if the congres or the
President wil judge it convenable to interpose, and I doubt of one Single recommendatorÿ
letter to the American agent at the Hage, one note of him to the States general wil do
the matter, believing firmly that the Stadholder wil profit of this opportunity of
humiliating Some aristocratical Leaders in that Province, who joined him in the
revolution, and whose adsistance he wanted for a time to Subdue the people. It wil not
be objected bÿ your Excellencÿ that this affair happened, before I was an American
Citisen, or, that Congress cannot middle with the domestical affairs of the Dutch 211 Republic, of decide the right or wrong of the then
contending parties, because, if one of this had taken place I would not trouble your
Excell: with a Single line upon this matter.
That I was at that time no citisen of America matters not— this
would prove to much, if this was admitted as a valuable plaÿ— Suppose, I had been a
merchant—I had valuable engagements—Some made in behalf of this countrÿ, whose paÿments
wer not acquited—I emigrated to America—after Some time the paÿment was refused— Should
I not have a right to appeal to the Congres for their intercession? The Sum of 45000 gl.
was not a due paÿment, was not required as a fine, but a
lone to be [ramptised] as a Securitÿ for those, damages, which maÿ be found to be occasioned by our direction— So that Supposing those damages,
true or false, amounting to 30 to 40000 Gl. there Should neverthles be 5000 gl our
undoubted property, whose recovering Seems to me as justifiable, as anÿ mercantile
debt—and this evinces, that an conditional intercession in mÿ particular favour, to
recover Such a Sum, as maÿ the residuum, can never be Stiled a meddling in the
Domestical affairs of the republic, or a decision between the contending parties. Such
an intercession is practised often bÿ the Dutch Republic—lately enough in the case of
chomel en Jordain, Merchants of Amsterdam against the house of Zanowiech, whose cause
was espoused, clandestinely, by the Noble Senat of the Venetians—19 Such a conditional intercession must be
applauded by the Dutch Ministerÿ, conscious enough, that they behaved not in that manner
against the Americans—when they, in the time theÿ refused Mr. Adams a public audience as
minister,20 enrolled and mustered at
Nymegen the Hessian and anspachian troops— Shut the gates to make desertion impossible,
and maket use of the garrison to watch this vile troupeau. If mÿ petition is lawful—and
practicable—if it can be effected—with decencÿ as wel as without inconveniencÿ then I
dare implore this act of protection as a right, and then, I am Sure, I wil be in need of
no other argument, to obtain the powerful intercession of your Excellencÿ upon this
Let me join another matter—in regard—to the encouragement of
personal merit—and liberal arts—
Mr. S.S.G. Mappa, late Commander of the armed citisens in the
province of Holland, one of the eminent characters Among the patriots, in regard of
Political knowledge, undaunted bravery, and distinguished, personal merit, is arrived in
New-york, with his familÿ—with a view, to Settle in this State. Upon advice of
distinguished characters in Europe, and friends to America—with advice of 212 Embassador Jefferson, he brought with him a complete Letter-founderÿ not alone for
the western, but for the oriental languages—at the value, at least of 20000 gl. Hol. or
about 3500 £ New-york’s currencÿ—21
To this moment, there is, as far as i know, not a Single
Letter-founderÿ, in America, and the Printers must purchase them in England or Scotland—
What a valuable acquisition then for America—if Congres think it worth anÿ
encouragement, and what is more easÿ than this—a tax upon the importation of forein
Letter-types wil do everÿ thing—22 Such a
tax can hurt no bodÿ, as Europeans and be of an infinite profit to american literature,
if that gentleman can Supply enough—of the beauty and quality—at the Same rate—and this,
I doubt not, or is possible, bÿ a tax upon importation— this wil be, an improvement, how
Small it may be, for the public revenue, encrease the literarÿ performances, and Supplÿ
us with Greek & oriental books, printed in America, now purchased at a high price in
Holland and England—
Excuse Sir! this troublesome letter— it is the last time, that I
Shal be importunate in this manner. Honour us with your favourable remembrance, and be
persuaded that no American is with higher Sentiments of respect and esteem than I.
Sir / Your Excellency’s / most obedient and obliged Servant
Fr. adr. Vanderkemp.
RC (Adams Papers).
Van der Kemp referred to Marcus Porcius Cato Censorius’ closing
remark in the Roman senate: In my opinion, Carthage must be destroyed (
Classical Dicy.
Here and below, Van der Kemp accurately cited from all three
volumes of JA’s
Defence of the Const.
; see also
JA’s response of 27
Feb., below.
Cornelius de Pauw, Recherches
philosophiques sur les Américains; ou, Mémoires intéressants pour servir à
l’histoire de l’espèce humain. The 1770 and 1777 Berlin editions of this work
are in JA’s library at MB
Catalogue of JA’s Library
Closing parenthesis has been editorially supplied.
Van der Kemp wrote the previous three words in the left-hand
margin and marked them for insertion here.
Athenian aristocrat Harmodius (d. 514 B.C.) was executed following his failed
assassination of Hippias the tyrant (r. 527–510 B.C.). After the Spartans expelled Hippias, Harmodius was proclaimed a hero
Classical Dicy.
Compiled in 451–450 B.C.,
the Twelve Tables served as the earliest code of Roman law. In his
Defence of the
, JA wrote that the bankruptcy law listed in the
Twelve Tables permitted creditors to execute and “dissect” debtors, distributing their
body parts as payment (
Oxford Classical Dicy.
; JA, Defence of the
, 1:346).
JA framed the first volume of his Defence as a series of letters to WSS. He
concluded with two tasks for readers: to compare the ancient and modern forms of
federalism that might shape Congress’ powers and to gather the documents needed to
write a comprehensive history of the American Revolution ( JA, Defence of the
, 1:364, 384–392).
Cosimino Rucellai (1495–1520) was the patron of a prominent
intellectual circle in Florence that included aristocrats Luigi di Tommaso Alamanni,
Zanobi Buondelmonti, 213 and Jacopo da Diacceto. Rucellai also supported
the poet Luigi di Piero Alamanni (1495–1556), who published La
Coltivazione, Paris, 1546 (Anthony M. Cummings, The
Maecenas and the Madrigalist: Patrons, Patronage, and the Origins of the Italian
Madrigal, Phila., 2004, p. 23, 24–25, 184, 185, 209; John P. McCormick, Machiavellian Democracy, Cambridge, 2011, p. 40, 41).
Florentine politician Niccolò di Piero di Gino Capponi
(1472–1529) commanded the city’s militia (Keith Christiansen and Stefan Weppelmann,
eds., The Renaissance Portrait: From Donatello to
Bellini, New Haven, 2011, p. 145; Nicholas Baker, The
Fruit of Liberty: Political Culture in the Florentine Renaissance, 1480–1550,
Cambridge, 2013, p. 102; Paget Jackson Toynbee, A Dictionary
of Proper Names and Notable Matters in the Works of Dante, Oxford, 1898, p.
Dutch Reformed preacher Bernardus Smytegelt (1665–1739), of
Middelburg, Zeeland, gained fame for his fiery sermons against the African slave trade
(Handbook of Dutch Church History, ed. Herman J.
Selderhuis, Bristol, Conn., 2015, p. 356).
JA observed that if Congress passed Sabbaterian
legislation restricting commerce on Sundays, then citizens would remain “as free as
they desire to be” (JA, Defence of the Const.
, 1:123–124).
JA advised Van der Kemp to be prudent about gleaning
both “religious Principles” and political affiliations within New York State’s Dutch
community (vol. 19:252).
In his Defence, JA
reiterated his view that the Society of the Cincinnati’s growth exemplified a national
thirst for aristocracy, and he recommended its voluntary dissolution. For
JA’s longstanding criticism of the association, see vols. 15:468–469, 16:xxiv.
This work was Stephanus Junius Brutus’ Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos, Edinburgh, 1579. The Huguenot author was likely
either Philippe du Plessis Mornay (1549–1623) or Hubert Languet (1518–1581). Latin
editions were printed in Frankfurt in 1608 and, as Van der Kemp noted, by Theodore
Beza in Amsterdam in 1660. A French translation appeared in 1581. Another Huguenot,
François Hotman (1524–1590), published his Francogallia
in 1573 (Daniel Lee, Popular Sovereignty in Early Modern
Constitutional Thought, Oxford, 2016, p. 123; Stephanus Junius Brutus, Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos, ed. George Garnett, Cambridge,
Eng., 1994, p. lxxxv, lxxxvi).
Spurius Maelius (d. 439 B.C.) alleviated a famine by supplying corn, while Marcus Manlius Capitolinus
(d. 384 B.C.) repulsed an attack by the Gauls in
390 B.C. Both Roman noblemen faced charges of
tyrannical ambition and were executed (
Oxford Classical
Representatives from the Dutch provinces of Brabant, Flanders,
Utrecht, Gelderland, Holland, and Zeeland gathered at The Hague on 26 July 1581. In an
Act of Abjuration that marked a turning point in the Dutch Revolt, they deposed Philip
II, king of Spain, and declared independence (
Cambridge Modern
, 3:254).
For the imprisonment of Van der Kemp and Sir Adriaan de Nijs, see
vol. 19:244. Van der Kemp
continued his efforts at restitution, for which see his letter of 17 March 1790, and note 1, below.
Styling himself as “Count Zanovich,” the Albanian swindler
Stiépan Annibale (1751–1786) duped Simone Cavalli, the Venetian representative at
Naples, into writing letters of recommendation. Armed with Cavalli’s introductions and
several forged ones, Annibale defrauded the Amsterdam banking firm of Chomel &
Jordan in 1772, amassing bills of exchange and diamonds. The firm appealed to the
Dutch government for compensation, and officials replied by threatening Venice with an
embargo. In return, the Venetian government confiscated Annibale’s property and
offered to pay 10,000 ducats to settle the claim. In 1786 Annibale was arrested in
Amsterdam and committed suicide in prison (Mary Lindemann, The
Merchant Republics, Cambridge, Eng., 2014, p. 209–210; W. Carew Hazlitt, The Venetian Republic: Its Rise, Its Growth, and Its Fall,
421–1797, 2 vols., London, 1900, 2:318–319).
For JA’s 19 April 1781 memorial to the States
General and the path to Dutch recognition of American independence, see vols. 11:272–282; 12:xv.
Dutch Army colonel Adam Gerard Mappa (1754–1828), a Patriot
refugee originally from Delft, arrived in New York City on 1 Dec. 1789, bearing
letters of introduction from Van der Kemp and Thomas Paine. Mappa, who had met with
JA in Amsterdam to inquire about emigration, had spent Christmas dinner
with the Adamses at Richmond Hill. By 1794 he left the printing business and became an
agent for the Holland Land Company. Van der Kemp wrote to JA on 9 Jan.
1790 214 (Adams Papers), recommending Mappa’s “braverÿ & knowledge” (
; Mappa to JA,
16 Feb. 1825, Adams
Contrary to Van der Kemp’s view, type foundries existed elsewhere
in the United States, including Benjamin Franklin’s press in Philadelphia. While the
Tariff Act of 1789 did not single out fonts, they were subject to a 7.5 percent duty
as metal manufactures (Isaiah Thomas, The History of Printing
in America, 2 vols., N.Y., 1874, 1:27–30; Douglas A. Irwin, Clashing over Commerce: A History of U.S. Trade Policy,
Chicago, 2017, p. 77).